Run Prompt Sail on your local machine via docker

Run Prompt Sail on your local machine

Prompt Sail is build as a set of docker containers:

  • promptsail-backend is a proxy that sits between your LLM framework of choice (LangChain, OpenAI python lib etc) and LLM provider API. You change api_base to point to Prompt Sail proxy_url and then it will captures and logs all your prompts and responses.
  • promptsail-ui is a user interface that allows you to view, search and analyze all transactions (prompts and responses)
  • mongo is a database that stores all the transactions
  • mongo-express is a web-based MongoDB admin interface that allows you to view and edit the database. Not necessary for running Prompt Sail, but can be helpful for debugging and monitoring the database.

We have prepared a set of docker-compose files that will run all the services for you. Do not hesitate to change the settings in the docker-compose files to your own values.

There are a few options to run the Prompt Sail docker containers:

Build the Docker images from the source code

Building from source will give you the latest version of the code with the newest features. However, please note that there might be uncaught bugs that could affect the stability of the application.

Clone the repository from GitHub.

git clone
cd prompt_sail

To build the Docker images use prepared docker-compose-build.yml file.

The command below will build the images for the backend and UI, and pull the MongoDB and Mongo Express images from Docker Hub.

All environment variables are set for you, but you can change them.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml up --build

Pull and run the Docker images from GHCR

Pulling the images from GHCR will give you the latest stable version of the code, however, you will not have the latest features.

change to reflect changes that this documentation describe deployment on google cloud platfrom gcp

The prepared docker-compose.yml file will pull Prompt Sail (backend,ui) images from GitHub Container Registry with latest tag, also it will pull the latest mongo and mongo-express images from Docker Hub:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Images tags

There are three main image tags used for tagging the images in the GitHub Container Registry:

  • latest - the latest stable version of the code, build after each version release
  • relese-candidate - the latest release candidate version of the code, build after each push or merge pull request to the main branch, trade-off between the latest features and stability
  • dev-release - the latest dev version of the code, build after each push to the dev branch, the most recent version of the code

You can set the environment variable PROMPTSAIL_TAG to one of the above tags to pull the appropriate version of the images. If you do not set the PROMPTSAIL_TAG environment variable, the latest tag will be used by default.

To automate setting the PROMPTSAIL_TAG environment variable, you can use a .env file. Docker Compose automatically looks for this file in the directory where you run the docker-compose command and uses the environment variables defined in it.

Example .env file:


Service configuration

All the environment variables are set to default and non-production deployment in the docker-compose.yml it is recommended to change them to your own values.

🗄️ MongoDB settings

The MongoDB database should be running at http://localhost:27017/.

  • Default login credentials: root:password
  • Default database name: prompt_sail
  • Default folder for storing data will be located in the root directory of the project in the data/mongo folder.

For production deployment, it is recommended to change:

  • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variables to your own values
  • volumes to store the data in a different location
    image: mongo:latest
      - "27017:27017"
      - ./data/mongo:/data/db
      test: echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongosh localhost:27017/test --quiet
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 5
      start_period: 40s

🔧 promptsail-backend

Backend Service (API) by default should be operational at http://localhost:8000/.

    container_name: promptsail-backend
      - "8000:8000"
      BASE_URL: "http://localhost:8000"
      MONGO_URL: "mongodb://root:password@mongodb:27017"
      ORGANIZATION_NAME: "PromptSail"
      DEBUG: "True"
      SSO_AUTH: "True"

Be sure to check the BASE_URL and MONGO_URL environment variables. The BASE_URL should be set and is needed by UI, and the MONGO_URL should point to the MongoDB service, by default uses root:password credentials. The ORGANIZATION_NAME is your Organization name displayed on frontend, and it is “PromptSail” by default. DEBUG don’t need to be set, it is False by default. Debug mode provides returning error messages as response when request has an error. If you don’t want to provide SSO authentication then set SSO_AUTH as false, and don’t provide any GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID or AZURE_CLIENT_ID. By default, if the value SSO_AUTH is true then one of the values GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID or AZURE_CLIENT_ID must be given. Here you can find how to get one of this variables: SSO Configuration Guide

🖥️ User Interface (UI)

The UI should be up and running at http://localhost:80/.

  • Default login credentials: admin:password
  • Default organization name: Default
  • 🛠️ You can edit the organization name in the database using mongo-express.
    container_name: promptsail-ui
      - "80:80"
      BACKEND_URL: "http://promptsail-backend:8000"
      PROXY_URL_HOST: "http://localhost:8000"
            condition: service_started
            condition: service_started
  • BACKEND_URL should point to the backend service the url should be available from UI docker container.
  • PROXY_URL_HOST is used to properly set the proxy url for creating the links to ai providers, this should point to public url of the backend service host.


Community FAQ and troubleshooting. If you have any issues and been able to solve them, please share your solution with the community.
