Development environment

If you want to start contributing to Prompt Sail you need to clone our repository first.

mkdir prompt_sail
cd prompt_sail
git clone


In this section we will focus on the backend, so you need to make sure you have it installed:

When you have the above dependencies, you can proceed to install packages using poetry. To do this, use the following commands:

cd backend
poetry install
poetry shell

Now set the environment variables. Go to the backend folder and create an .env file and then fill in the variables as in the example below:

touch .env
nano .env

And pase and edit the following variables in the .env file:

SSO_AUTH: "False"

Remember that you need a working instance of the mongoDB database for the backend to work properly. You can run it for example from the docker position. To do this, use the following command:

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mongodb mongo:latest

Once you’ve done that then return to the project’s main folder and use the make command used to run the project locally:

cd ..
make run-dev


In this section we will focus on the frontend, so you need to make sure you have it installed:

When you have the above dependencies, you can proceed to install node modules using node pack manager. To do this, use the following commands:

cd ui
npm ci

Project can be run in two modes: development and production. Development mode is used for local development and testing purposes. Production mode is used when project is deployed on a server.

Create an .env.{mode} file where {mode} is production or development. The .env.production file should already be created in the /ui folder. The next steps show how to create the .env.development file, but they also work for the .env.production file.

<!-- Linux/macOS -->
touch .env.development
nano .env.development
<!-- Windows: create and edit via notepad -->
notepad .env.development

Paste and adjust for yourself the following variables in the .env file:

PORT = 80
BACKEND_URL = "http://promptsail-backend:8000"
PROXY_URL_HOST = "http://localhost:8000"

// Optional: check
SSO_AZURE_CLIENT_ID = "6fe*******aaa"
SSO_AZURE_TENANT = "4a1******aaa"

After install dependencies and set environment variables, you can run the project.

Remember that you need a working instance of the backend for the frontend to work properly.

  • Run in development mode

    You can run the app in development mode using start script from package.json via node package manager:

    npm start
  • Run in production mode

    Build the app using build script from `package.json:

    npm run build

    After build is done, you can run the app using preview script from package.json which will start a local server with the built files:

    npm run preview

Head to link which is displayed in console after running one of the modes above and start contributing!


We use MoongoDB as a database. Its schema is described in the section Database Schema.

Github Actions

How we use Github Actions to automate the testing and deployment process.
